Girls Grades 7–9: June 23–26


3 in stock

Note: Each registration includes lunch, snacks, and one jersey,
regardless of the clothing package selected.
Hall of Fame Package (+$400.00)
All-Star Package (+$340.00)
Starting Five Package (+$330.00)
Rookie Package (+$300.00)
Basic Package (+$280.00)
This package comes with one registration fee as a custom-made Heiman Camp Shirt, Shorts, Hoodie, and Sweatpants. Each item comes in one color and is available only this summer.
This package comes with one registration fee as well TWO items. Each item comes in one color and is available only this summer. A custom-made Heiman Camp Shirt OR Shorts. A custom-made Heiman Camp Hoodie OR custom-made Heiman Camp Sweatpants.
This package comes with one registration fee as well as a custom-made Heiman Camp Hoodie OR Sweatpants. Each item comes in one color and is available only this summer.
This package comes with one registration fee as well as your choice of a custom-made Heiman Camp Shirt OR Shorts. Each item comes in one color and is available only this summer.
This basic package includes one camp registration (lunch, snacks, and jersey), paid for in full with a Credit Card.

⚠️ If your camper would like any custom clothing, please choose a different package.
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